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Give me 5!

For the last five years WOOW has been winning the World with its WITTY remarks and COOL looks. To celebrate the BIG 5 anniversary WOOW is proudly introducing the new WOOW WOOL Collection.

New Award-Winning sunglasses from Danish ProDesign

Innovative and stylish, the new Sun Collection stays true to the legacy of ProDesign. All designs have great attention to innovative details and a facial fit, second to none.
A centerpiece in the new sun collection is a functional and foldable frame, designed with a cool expression. This year at IOFT in Tokyo, this foldable pair of sunglasses won the Japan Eyewear Award in the Sunglasses Catego


The new WOOW Suer Lady 2 is on the cover of BLINK Magazine

FACE A FACE Automne 2017 : un hommage à l'art

Chaque concept est une création artistique explorant les formes, textures et couleurs de manière originale et expressive. Nous puisons notre inspiration dans les tendances de l'art moderne, ce qui rend nos collections uniques en leur genre. La marque FACE A FACE se caractérise par ses influences artistiques, créatives et colorées, ainsi que son expressivité.

FACE A FACE Herbst 2017: eine Hommage an die Kunst

Die mit Leidenschaft und subtilen Details gestaltete neue FACE A FACE-Kollektion ist elegant verarbeitet und bietet zahlreiche Überraschungen. Wir experimentieren mit der Kunst der Farbgestaltung und spielen mit komplexen Kombinationen aus Transparenz und Opak und edlen Materialien und zeigen Ihnen, wie "Persönlichkeit" sich in Farben, Reflexionen und eleganten Details ausdrücken kann.

Face A Face otoño 2017: un homenaje al arte

Con pasión y detalles sutiles, la nueva colección FACE A FACE se ha preparado con elegancia y está repleta de sorpresas. Exploramos el arte de los colores y jugamos con combinaciones complejas de materiales transparentes, opacos y espléndidos para que se pueda ver cómo la “personalidad” puede definirse mediante colores, reflejos y detalles elegantes.


The new FACE A FACE LEWIT , STIJL and JOLIE in the last edition of BLINK magazine

FACE A FACE 2017 Fall collection : a tribute to art

With passion and subtle details, the new FACE A FACE collection is elegantly crafted and full of surprises. We explore the art of coloration and play with intricate combinations of transparent, opaque and luxurious materials to let you see how ‘personality’ can be defined by colors, reflections and elegant details.

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Design is the heart of our company

Design Eyewear Group creates and markets iconic eyewear brands, sold worldwide by quality opticians for more than 50 years.